Posts Tagged ‘warm-up’

Do you want to know who, when, and why introduced high kicks to karate? The answer is in my article Why and Since When Are High Kicks in Karate? Tom Kurz throws a high roundhouse kick (mawashi-geri-jodan) with no warm-up

A couple of days ago I answered these questions from a young fighter. I get similar questions from time to time, so I decided to share my answer with my readers. Questions: I am preparing for amateur matches in Muay Thai and boxing. I work out twice a day. In the morning I begin with […]

In its July 2009 issue, the Black Belt magazine published my article on stretching. The article got a sloppy edit. If you have read it (say, in the course of researching the m.a. market), you probably wondered why would I have written such a disorganized piece. I would not. Here is the real deal:  In […]

Soccer match on a cold October day. A cold northerly wind blows. The coach (school’s P.E. teacher) conducts the pregame warm-up. It begins with players (6th and 7th grade, from 12 to 13 years old) doing static stretches—first pulling arms across chest, then other arm stretches, followed by trunk stretches and leg stretches. The leg […]