Archive for the ‘Sports Technique’ Category

See errors of kicking in self-defense and a lethal effect of kicking against knife attack in my recently posted Self-Defense Tip #129 — Kicks vs. Knife Attacks. Watch and learn from a real-life video.

At the end of my post High Kicks with Tactically Sound Setups, I asked readers who know drills for different but still tactically sound setups of kicks, to post descriptions of those drills in comments to the post. Some did, and you may read their comments at High Kicks with Tactically Sound Setups.

Kicking in a no-holds-barred fight is risky, the higher the kicks, the riskier. From the previous article, Where from Are the High Roundhouse Kicks in Karate, you know how typical applications of kicks in Okinawan te removed risk from kicking. But how about other, more popular, punch-and-kick martial arts and sports? You know, all those […]

Okinawan te, the precursor of Japanese karate, did not teach high kicks — too risky in self-defense. Forms (practice patterns of movements) of Okinawan te do not include roundhouse kicks, let alone high roundhouse kicks. It is easy to understand why high-level roundhouse kicks and mid-level (mawashi-geri-jodan and mawashi-geri-chudan) are not included … Continued at […]

Do you want to know who, when, and why introduced high kicks to karate? The answer is in my article Why and Since When Are High Kicks in Karate? Tom Kurz throws a high roundhouse kick (mawashi-geri-jodan) with no warm-up

Can you tell a well-schooled sports instructor or a martial arts instructor from an unschooled one? Then watch the video in my latest article and point out the single teaching error that keeps a student practice a simple grappling throw for over ten minutes and still not get it–even though his instructor shows him the […]

Power High Kicks With No Warm-Up! DVD trailer Power High Kicks With No Warm-Up! DVD is now available as a pay-per-view streaming video for $39.95 ($10.00 less than the DVD). You may view it from anywhere, for an unlimited number of times. The first and the second chapters of Power High Kicks With No Warm-Up! […]

Running is the most commonly used form of movement for developing general aerobic endurance. It is a simple, natural movement, yet people can do it wrong. For a description of the correct running technique plus info on the influence of footwear on gait and posture, which affects athletic performance in every sport and martial art, […]

Apart from the internal focus in this demo, I also don’t like the short grip–which is great for twirling but not for power with accuracy at a long distance.

To make myself stronger, I use resistance between the minimum that forces the correct technique and the maximal training resistance (MTR)—the greatest resistance that can be overcome without a strong effort of will and emotional stress. Exceeding the MTR, except for a well-justified test, is about vanity, showing off—it doesn’t perfect technique (it leads to […]